Monday, 25 June 2012

Reflection: Chairperson for a Day

Here are a few guiding questions to help you.
1) The most difficult part of the job.
2) Strategies that worked for you. ( Classroom management, conflict management, etc)
3) The most important take away for you in this experience.

Time: 15 mins
No Talking please. This is a self reflection.


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  2. My summary must be the most boring ever. It can be summarised in one words. Boring. Nothing ever happens in my short reign. Strategies? Pray that class proceeds as normal. It works 90& of the time. So just pray. Most important thing to take away? Well, I realised that I don't know much about my class. Yeah, my summary ends now. Please do not take this seriously

    1. Sorry, the summary was skewed. So, the most difficult part of my job is trying to achieve sliece in the class. Strategies? Well, try to get attention of the chatter-boxes first. Then, issue your holy decree(ermm, this mean your command). It is the getting the attention part that is difficult. Everyone talks, talks and talks. Nobody give a damn about you and it is infuriating. Most important lesson? Being a class chairman is terrible. Some days are a bore, rest are a chore. Sigh..... My summary ends.

    2. word*

    3. silence*
      the getting of the attention part*
      the rest*

    4. I thought it ended 2 posts ago.

  3. 1. Keeping the class quiet
    2. Not shouting
    3. I get to experience what it is like to be a chairperson

  4. 1) Trying to maintain the class
    2) Patience
    3) I understand the pain that Chi Han and Yun Hui go through everyday

  5. 1) Making my friends stop talking.

    2) I asked for help from friends who were seating near those who were talking. Like that, I do not need to raise my voice or require much effort to maintain the silence. My tactic does not make so much fuss too.

    1. 3) I learn how to experience life as a chairman for a day.

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  7. 1) The most difficult part of the job was to make the people settle down. Eg: When keeping the class on task.
    2) The strategies was actually talking some sense into them but with respect.
    3) That was when the class is the quietest.

  8. 1)Maintaining the class peaceful when teacher is absent.

    2) Go up every one of them and talk nicely to them.

    3) I learned that we can't just shout "shut up!".

  9. 1) The difficult part is getting the class to quiet down.
    2) nothing much :)
    3) to know how the chairperson and vice chair job works.

  10. 1) Having the class to keep quiet.
    2) Get them to behave before a conflict happens.
    3) I now know how hard it is for the chairperson and vice-chairperson to maintain the class.

  11. 1)Some of my classmates were not co-operating.
    2) Ask my classmates about the problems or conflicts they are having with their friends.
    3)To respect the role of the chairperson and the vice- chairperson.

  12. 1) Telling the class to keep quiet.
    2) By not shouting in their faces.
    3) I got to have the experience of the chairperson or vice-chairperson.

  13. 1)The most difficult part of the job was to control the class

    2) Nothing!

    3)A chairperson/vice-chairperson job is difficult and should try to make their job easier

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  15. 1)The most difficult part of the job is part when we have to make our classmates and discuss.
    2)Strategies that have worked with me is that when a conflict starts we should tell the consequences of fighting in class to the person so he will feel guilty and apologise to the other person.
    3)The most important take away is that we should never feel that that as the chairperson get more advantages doesn't mean that they are enjoying.They have an even harder job as they have to watch the class for all subjects.

  16. 1) The most difficult part of the job is to keep the class quiet and organized
    2) I made the class quiet by telling them nicely to keep quiet
    3) I learned that shouting at others to 'shut up' does not work.

  17. 1) I had to makes sure everyone is disciplined and they abide by the rule.
    2) The strategies that worked for me are stress management and conflict management.
    3) I got to know the importance and the difficulty that the class chair and vice-chair person experience each and every day.

  18. 1) The class keeps thinking that the vice-chairman is the chair.
    2) Staying calm.
    3) How simple it was.

  19. 1) Getting the class to keep quiet
    2) Talk nicely to them
    3) Its difficult to manage the class and we have to respect the chair and vice-chair person

  20. The most difficult part of the job is when everyone is disorganised and they are out of control, probably when no teacher is in the class. The classmates will not listen to most of the things you say and tell them to do when it happens. The solution is for the Chairman to inform a teacher ASAP when things get too far or when a teacher is not in the class for 5 minutes, whichever happens first.

    When a conflict or fight break out, people will be interested to know what happened and they will crowd around the place where it is happening, which makes it very hard for the Chairman and Vice Chairman to settle what happened. My solution for this is to tell them to settle down and continue with their own work, and tell them that we will roughly tell them what happened afterwards.

    The most important thing I learnt from this is that the Chairman and Vice Chairman's role is very important and difficult to satisfy everyone. We should always respect them and listen to what they say unless it is inappropriate.

  21. 1) The most difficult part of the job.
    There was no difficult part of the job other than yun hui who kept talking to me about keeping everyone quite when the noise level was reasonable.

    2) Strategies that worked for you. ( Classroom management, conflict management, etc)
    Nothing happened that day and the class was quite good that day hence no strategies used except......

    3) The most important take away for you in this experience.
    i have none

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  23. 1) The most difficult part of the job was collecting the slips for digipen which most people did not have.

    2) 1 strategy is to not be too fussy and try and work with them to at least achieve something.

    3) The most important take away for me is that there is room for improvement.

  24. 1) The most difficult part of job was being stuck in the health check room and waiting to call the next person however the class was quite rowdy outside and would not quieten down while waiting.

    2) Strategies are that we have to talk sense into them without being rude and to get some people to help.

    3) We have to respect the chairperson and vice-chairperson.

  25. 1) Having the class to keep quiet.
    2) Get them to behave before a conflict happens.
    3) I now know how hard it is for the chairperson and vice-chairperson to maintain the class.

  26. 1) The most difficult part of job was being stuck in the health check room and waiting to call the next person however the class was quite rowdy outside and would not quieten down while waiting.

    2) Strategies are that we have to talk sense into them without being rude and to get some people to help.

    3) We have to respect the chairperson and vice-chairperson.

  27. 1)The most difficult part of the job is part when we have to make our classmates and discuss.
    2)Strategies that have worked with me is that when a conflict starts we should tell the consequences of fighting in class to the person so he will feel guilty and apologise to the other person.
    3)The most important take away is that we should never feel that that as the chairperson get more advantages doesn't mean that they are enjoying.They have an even harder job as they have to watch the class for all subjects.

  28. 1)Remembering that I was vice chairperson of the day (I really forgot half the time...).

    2)N/A (that day was very peaceful)

    3)Being a chairperson/vice chairperson is not easy, I know it was just by luck that day was without any issues. I think we could be more harmonious as a class.


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